Thursday, December 6, 2007


so, yesterday ony my way to school, i was driving along at a fairly reasonable speed all things considered [i had JUST woken up] when i realized that i was being quite closely by an individual on a scooter. seriously?! you're going to tail me on your scooter?! what happens if i brake-check you?? i'll tell you! you'll end up sitting on my tailgate wearing that ridiculous tophat that i keep in my trunk on top of your helmet nursing two broken legs and my broken window!!!!

and dont get me STARTED on the fact that you were able to keep up with me on that thing!!! i mean, i realize that my 87-year-old grandmother who can barely read her speedometer drives faster than me most days [the other night i noticed an officer pointing his radar gun at me, and when i looked down at my speedometer i was going 30 in a 35 but i mean it was in the right lane on Prince and it was late at night and there could have been a pedestrian in a crosswalk or something, i mean really] but clearly you havent been reading my blog religiously, because if you had, you would very well know that i was a witness to a near-tragic scooter-accident recently.

be careful on that thing

speaking of accidents, i really like it how on this radio station that i have recently become addicted to, they call a fender-bender a "two-car insurance seminar"

and, one more thing, joey [] is funny, i guess.

"i saw you and cristina walking and i just wanted to let you know to hang your towel out the left side. yeah, that's the Crip side"

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

wii did git a kitti

so, as you may know, we got a kitti last week. his name is harvey P kitti and he's pretty durn cute. although emzies [my roommate who does not blog or like it that we call her that] firmly argues that he is full grown, i do believe that he is still a baby kitti. harvey is a very social kitti, and will howl like a bobcat if you leave him alone for long periods of time [read: more than 5 seconds] he is also surprisingly not afraid of the 60 pound baby tiger that also inhabits the loveshack [my house]

it's not that harvey and mason [aforementioned tiger] dont get along per's just that so far they seem to really enjoy antagonizing each other. harvey likes to crawl up on our laps and monopolize our attention and/or eat mason's food. both of these make mason QUITE jealous and he cannot stand not to be the center of attention. he's also a big baby and totally terrified of kitti's claws. but he really likes to play, so he tries to get as close to kitti as possible and get his attention so that perhaps they can wrestle like he does with other dogs [we think he's confused kitti for a small dog]. no such luck. he usually just gets swiped at.

so far, the sage is quite fun to watch.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

kittiez r kewt

1. i forgot to mention in my blog about Captain D's that not only am i amazed that the niche market for fast-food-seafood exist, but that there actually exists competition!!!!! [technically i'd consider it an oligopoly-ish market, but thats really not the point here] the point is, Mike reminded me today about Long John Silver's!! i mean honestly. did one see the other in the market and conclude that not only was there profit to be made, but enough to justify entry?! i just dont get it. i'll need to consult a more learned economist and get back to you, oh faithful readers.

2. i know that both ashe and kathryn have covered the 'elf yourself' site in their respective blogs, but my dad sent me a really cute one of my cousin, his fiance and their GIANT puppy sadie. sadie is a mastiff rottweiler mix. HUGE. HUGE. cute though. and blogworthy if i DO say so myself.

3. i'm writing a paper about point shaving in the NBA. fascinating. except i havent written a paper in over a year. that really blows my mind. this is only my third class in my college career that has assigned a paper. crazy, especially in a major with such a heavy emphasis on being published in economic journals. and also cause the other two classes were speach comm and CALCULUS LAB. Silly.

things i would like to know

How does Captain D's stay open? Who actually trusts a $3.99 coconut shrimp platter from a drive-thru window? Lobster?! at a fast-food joint? seriously?! i must admit, i'm a bit of a seafood snob, preferring a fresh catch to, say, Red Lobster in landlocked Gwinnett, but i would not dare turn down crab legs unless i was reasonably sure that they were flavored rubber [see: Captain D's]. And I have quite enjoyed Red Lobster. I did not enjoy my last Captain D's experience. I remember the fateful day, despite the fact that it must have been at least 10 years ago. Let's just say, even my 11-year-old self had enough sense to order fishsticks and eat mostly just fries and hushpuppies. Alas, who IS their target customer?

Sunday, November 25, 2007

this is the way i live

i woke up this morning to the glorious sound of raindrops on my windowpane. no really. it was RAINING in ATHENS! which kind of made up for the girl in auburn alabama with the nerve to leave the water on while she dried her hands and went back into burger king. i turned it off, but really? stupid girl. also, didnt we beat auburn? oh yeah. we did.

also, is it sad that i was more upset to miss the kentucky-tennessee game than the ga-ga tech game? oh well.

i got to catch mizzou/kansas.

also, after spending a total of about 15 hours in the car in the past 4 days i can hardly WAIT to spend another 20+ in 3 days this weekend. dont get me wrong, i love to see the fam, but my brothers and i are not small people. we get a LITTLE cramped in the leg region.

oh, and i cant say that i recommend beowulf. but there is quite a bit of animated nudity. my mom and i were so cold in the theater that we cuddled under a banket the entire movie. it was cute in a weird kind of way.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

wasters of water and education

dear those of you who seem to think this is a joke,

to all those here at UGA who think its a good idea to increase your consumption of water due to rumors of the university closing, i have news for you. one, they arent going to close UGA. all that you will succeed in is wasting the water that some of us have been trying to save so that we DONT have to dip into other sources or increase prices.

keep in mind people, this isnt high school. no state law is keeping you here. your parents dont wake you up in the morning for school; and i can pretty much guarantee that with the wasteful attitude that you have, they are fully funding your education. if your opportunity cost of going to class is SO HIGH that you are willing to waste a natural resource based on a rumor of cancelled class, then just dont go to class. again, no one is making you. hell, why not just drop out and give the opportunity to attend a wonderful university to someone who will not only appreciate the education, but also the town of athens and all that it has to offer. too many people are turned down each year who would give anything to attend for you to be so selfish and lazy.


Monday, November 12, 2007

more letters

dear people who read my blog,

i know that all of you are people who know me, but on the off chance that i have a fan who does NOT know ashley, read her blog.

it's way better than mine. :)

i DO love games

yesterday i was so lucky as to play not one, but TWO rousing games of skip-bo. i highly recommend you purchase the game. everyone else tells you things to buy on their blogs, so thats what i think that you should get.

additionally, go dawgs.

45-20 over Auburn.

Friday, November 9, 2007

more letters to people i dont know

dear girls who took a turn entirely too fast on a scooter,

one, thank you for wearing a helmet. i would have felt terrible laughing as hard as i did if you were bleeding. given that, sorry for staring and also for laughing. the fact is, you crashed on a SCOOTER. and it wasnt even cause someone hit you with a car. also, thanks for there being two of you. as if there should ever be two people on a scooter. seriously.

if youre bleeding internally, im sorry

dear guy/girl with the souped-up minivan,

thank YOU.

dear joey,

you were pretty sassy about MY blog. dont start blog wars if you cant back it up. jerk.

also, your legs are skinny.

today, jolene and i took our 2 year old on a walk. we took cristina, and may i say, mason was a perfect angel! he came when we called him, he sat on command--he was so good that we even let him run around in our front yard!!!!!!! he's really growing up. would you like me to pull out his baby book?

also, upon reading this, my writing style has hardly changed since i was 7 writing in my diary. dont believe me? i have it right here.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

lights-out loveshack

apparently, either a. my house is tired and ready for bed or b. i have successfully blown a fuse TWICE in the past 15 min. what this tells me is that our electrical system cannot in fact support the microwave when my space heater is on.

the good news is that i had a really terrific day. and the speaker tonight at YD was interesting and I went and saw Daniel Tosh tonight. really funny, but i'll be honest, if you're easily offended, you wont like him much.

additionally, i failed to mention that i was in fact the leader of the pack in blogging, but i forgot. back in high school, i had a xanga [no, it doesnt exist anymore so dont try and read it like jolene and i did with my diary the other day]. mostly i just used it for those silly web surveys [that i still do whenever i remember that i have a myspace which is sadly less frequently than i thought i would when i created it] and to write about things that were of no real interest to anyone [see: my current blog]

alright alright. also apparently my other friend [also named sean] has a blog. and apparently he uses the same layout. what does that tell me? other sean is gay. good night all.

ps. i love the gays. dont get offended.


I caved. I made a blog. ONLY because so many things have happened that i need to put in writing and Twitter is very small. And cause I keep it crackin like chapped lips.

So, here are my thoughts.

1. TWD

Dear Stupid ADPi girl who insisted on texting to someone something that was SO important that it HAD to be sent while driving to school,

Thank YOU for driving at 5 miles per hour in front of me 1/4 of the way in the turn lane and 3/4 of the way in MY lane while glancing up infrequently at the ROAD that you were supposed to be driving on....paying more attention to not misspelling 'yeah! let's go downtown' than you were to the NOT CRASHING YOUR CAR OR MINE. Also, a big thanks for stopping at that GREEN LIGHT because we surely weren't running late behind you on that road. It was an excellent reflection on that sorority that you were proudly displaying on your back windshield who i'm reasonably sure has recently been in the paper for misconduct on the way to your formal last year.

You made my morning, sugar

2. You're so Fly

Dear guy outside of my FINA class this morning,

Thank you for answering your phone in class during your teacher's lecture. While wildly rude because your PhD'd professor probably had some valuable things to tell you [he WAS the Dean of Terry after all], you did provide me with an awkward giggle during the lecture that I chose to stay for. Why? Because i saw you look down halfway through your conversation and noice that your fly was open, turn red, face the wall, and zip yourself up.

You gave me reason to like my button-fly pants


Dear guy innocently walking up the hill to his class on North Campus

Thank you for walking underneath that mechanical arm that was momentarily raised by the car with a parking pass. Thank you for then being slightly squashed by that arm and trying to turn it into a kind-of squat that you tried to play off. Thank you to the girl that you were walking with for cracking up, because i think the two of us were the only people that saw it. My only regret is that you yourself did not crack up. Embarrassing moments are hilarious to all involved. You didnt know that???? You'll need to hang out with my friends more often.


4. gud nuwz

Dear my readers that dont exist yet,

This one isnt going to be as funny as the last ones, sorry. Anyways, I'm going to tell you a bit about myself. I'm Keri and I'm funny, and so are my friends. You should read their blogs too. Ashley and jolene and sean and kathryn are my friends who blog. I'll tell you a bit about them too, but they are the only people who are going to read my blog, so this is mostly for them.


Ashley was the one who got us all blogging [except jolene who accidentally started one] shes the walking wiki, and she just got accepted to this cool thing that i wont tell you about to protect her privacy or something. she makes her blog for class, so dont curse or be inappropriate.

Jolene: i dont know her address-you can find the link on ashe's blog

Jolene is my roommate and she has heelys and as stated before she had a blog before any of us by accident. and we have a child together. hes a tiger, and you can find him on ashley's blog too

Sean: something about hugz-there's a link on ashe's blog to this too

Sean is silly and he writes a lot about music and draws weird pictures. he also devotes etire blogs to how mean his 'friends' are. what kind of friend is he?

Kathryn: no clue

kathryn likes rocks.