Tuesday, December 4, 2007

wii did git a kitti

so, as you may know, we got a kitti last week. his name is harvey P kitti and he's pretty durn cute. although emzies [my roommate who does not blog or like it that we call her that] firmly argues that he is full grown, i do believe that he is still a baby kitti. harvey is a very social kitti, and will howl like a bobcat if you leave him alone for long periods of time [read: more than 5 seconds] he is also surprisingly not afraid of the 60 pound baby tiger that also inhabits the loveshack [my house]

it's not that harvey and mason [aforementioned tiger] dont get along per se...it's just that so far they seem to really enjoy antagonizing each other. harvey likes to crawl up on our laps and monopolize our attention and/or eat mason's food. both of these make mason QUITE jealous and he cannot stand not to be the center of attention. he's also a big baby and totally terrified of kitti's claws. but he really likes to play, so he tries to get as close to kitti as possible and get his attention so that perhaps they can wrestle like he does with other dogs [we think he's confused kitti for a small dog]. no such luck. he usually just gets swiped at.

so far, the sage is quite fun to watch.

1 comment:

Ashley BBZ said...

not gonna lie, i was totally cracking up that you used kitti the whole way through. <3 <3 <3