Friday, November 9, 2007

more letters to people i dont know

dear girls who took a turn entirely too fast on a scooter,

one, thank you for wearing a helmet. i would have felt terrible laughing as hard as i did if you were bleeding. given that, sorry for staring and also for laughing. the fact is, you crashed on a SCOOTER. and it wasnt even cause someone hit you with a car. also, thanks for there being two of you. as if there should ever be two people on a scooter. seriously.

if youre bleeding internally, im sorry

dear guy/girl with the souped-up minivan,

thank YOU.

dear joey,

you were pretty sassy about MY blog. dont start blog wars if you cant back it up. jerk.

also, your legs are skinny.

today, jolene and i took our 2 year old on a walk. we took cristina, and may i say, mason was a perfect angel! he came when we called him, he sat on command--he was so good that we even let him run around in our front yard!!!!!!! he's really growing up. would you like me to pull out his baby book?

also, upon reading this, my writing style has hardly changed since i was 7 writing in my diary. dont believe me? i have it right here.

1 comment:

joey said..., oh yeah