Monday, June 9, 2008


also, in case anyone DOES read this, it wasnt yuengling that died in April. that was dr. quinn medicine woman.

sorry for any confusion that this may have caused

aha! back...

Soooo fer the summer i am breeding the squiddies still, and also washing the dishes in the lab and also working retail. busy you ask? kinda. but when i'm bored, i'm REAL bored.

The squid are doing alright I guess. Yuengling recently passed on, thus leaving me with none of the original crew. In her memory, I would like to name the rest of the squid names of beer. i already have a PBR, Red Stripe and Hoegarten. Please submit additional options via comment. Please note, I will have approximately zero Bud products and/or light beers [this includes imports]

The dish stuff is kind of funzies i suppose. I also get to do real scientist stuff like watch Dr. Stabb dissect Yuengling and remove her light organ and I make media with acid and bases and all. Makes me feel like if i had passed chemistry with a few more flying colors i might have made it in pharmacy after all. alas, i got a real job anyway.

old navy is just about the same as it was last summer except sean is a little crankier sometimes. that ok though, cause i think maybe i am too. we have perhaps the most irritating soundtrack there EVER. EVER. congrats universe. you win.

i move to my SWEET apt in july. sorry to be so excited about it, but it really is sweet. and i spent today deciding where i want to travel in the fall. i'm hoping to end up on the project in virginia or perhaps a new on in New Jersey. regardless, i think i want to be on the road at first. flying is kind of intimidating, and i want to get used to it, esp with mike in new york.

additionally, this week the most precious puppy stayed with me. his name is lyle and he belongs to ashley's roommate katie. he was perfect and very small and made me miss kitti very much. in case i didnt already mention this to my faithful blog readers, i lost kitti to kittiHIV. it was pretty awful and i dont think that i will be ready for another pet for awhile, but when i am, i may steal baby lyle :)

alright, enough, no one reads this mess anyway