Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Yuengling died this week. so did half of the shrimp. the squid room smells like when you're 8 and you leave the "pretty shells" that you found on the beach in a baggie in the hot car on the 10 hr drive back from the beach. then you find the bag 2 weeks later and open it. uck.

also, I'm 99% finished with the magnum opus of my college career [senior thesis]. it's pretty awful, and I'm waaaaay tired of reading it.

ready to graduate? kinda

Friday, April 11, 2008


dear spring,

i do not like pollen.

love, keri

dear 95.5 the beat,

why do you bother playing that weezy song? only like 3 of the words in it are actually legal to be said on air. a song full of bleeps and irrelevant noises is not entertaining. just play the beats if you like it so much.

love, keri

ps. johnny d. kind of sux on the tables

Sunday, April 6, 2008


dear school,

we had a good run, but i feel like i have to be honest with you. you see, i've been having a lot of trouble putting all that i have into our relationship in theses past weeks. i've met someone else.

i know, i know. how can i throw our 17 years together down the drain?! it's just that the real world and i have gotten really close. and i know that we've had our ups and downs, and i've learned so much from you. i'll miss you for awhile. probably more down the road.

the real world has just offered me so much. it's not you. it's not even me. it's just time for us to part ways. i'll still keep what ive learned from you with me always. i'll even stick around for about another month so it's not so abrubt. but it's not going to be like old times. i probably wont come to class as much, and i may turn things in a little bit late. dont let it hurt your feelings, baby. you'll find someone new.

love and kisses


Friday, April 4, 2008

&*$%in' cold


where is the 80 degree weather your promised me today? it's EFFING 50 DEGREES.
